List of Sun Numbers
We all know that it is very important for us to know which carrier provide the numbers that we contacting with.
Mobile network usually charge a higher price for a direct contact with other network provider
that is why it is very crucial for us to know the prefix number of each network provider.
sometimes they offer a promo that is not covering the other network that lead to a ballooned billing for postpaid and a sapping of regular load of prepaid users
for the convenience, listed here was the mobile carrier prefixes
Sun Cellular is now part of the Smart Telecommunications but still have an independent promo. so, to prevent extra charges. here is the list of numbers belonging to Sun network.
0922 network - Sun
0923 network - Sun
0924 network - Sun
0925 network - Sun
0932 network - Sun
0933 network - Sun
0934 network - Sun
0942 network - Sun
0943 network - Sun
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